Pygmy seahorse

Stefan Beskow – Patience is key to spotting a pygmy

We have handed our weekly marine life series over to renowned photographer and journalist, Stefan Beskow.

Stefan has travelled the world, and dived just about every corner of it, during over 30 years in the industry. Having chosen Emperor Divers to do much of his underwater work, we asked him to take us through some of his favourite experiences.

Having last week ended our Shark Month features by describing a wonderful oceanic whitetip encounter, he now looks at something on the other end of the scale when it comes to size – the pygmy seahorse.


Just a few months ago, in January 2024, I went on the wonderful boat Emperor Raja Laut and was able to see one of the most popular photo subjects in one of the world’s absolute best places for diving – Raja Ampat!

On the Raja Ampat Central & South tour, I was lucky enough (with the help of our guide Tony) to come across both Hippocampus Bargibanti and Hippocampus Denise – or Bargibanti’s seahorse and Denise’s seahorse as they are commonly called.

Pygmy seahorse

You (or in most cases your guide) will find these ‘pygmy seahorses’ on gorgonians of various kinds. Bargibanti is only found on Muricella gorgonians while Denise can be found on several different types.

It can be tricky to take good pictures of the little animals and for me it is above all patience, patience and more patience that is the key to a good picture!

This is because they are very well camouflaged and only about two centimetres, yes 2cm, long!

It means it blends seamlessly with its surroundings, making it difficult to spot, as their colours and textures closely match the corals they cling to, providing excellent protection from predators.


As pygmy seahorses are primarily in the waters around Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea – an exploration of Raja Ampat from Emperor’s beautiful schooner Raja Laut is the perfect way to get up close to this tiny little marvel. Find out more or get in touch with us on [email protected] if you have any questions.

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