Tiger shark, Maldives

Make a bid to help Shark Angels’ awesome work

Emperor Divers is delighted to continue our support for the Shark Angels organisation by backing their 2024 World Oceans Day online auction.

Shark Angels is an environmental, non-profit conservation organisation. They are committed to changing the future for sharks by turning fear into fascination and passion into action.

Their aim, through education, communication and advocacy, is to empower the creation of grassroots campaigns that make a global impact.

With over 30% of shark species classed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered, the need for action is clear. It’s estimated 100 million sharks are killed each year by commercial and recreational fishers and the rate of shark mortality has increased by over 70% in last half a century.

That is why we are so happy to back the great work Shark Angels are doing by offering a trip on Emperor Raja Laut as a prize for their auction. We have provided similar gifts in previous years and, knowing the immense good any money raised will do for these underwater marvels, are keen to keep up our commitment to help.

The bidding will begin on May 27 – via online charity auction site, Charity Auctions Today – and will run until June 9.

More information can be found here (https://sharkangels.org/shark-angels-2024-world-oceans-day-online-auction/).

As divers we love to witness these stunning creatures and at Emperor Divers we support any measures that help sharks survive today and thrive in the future. We hope you can do the same.

Shark Angels

Shark Angels 2024 programs include:

Online Learning: Deliver fun & engaging shark education tailored to each group or classroom, for all of ages kids to
Scholarships Program: Our School Scholarship Package with includes: a shark education presentation, one shark
adoption kit, and a kid’s pack (comic book, trading cards, and pogs) for each student.
Shark Laws & Loopholes Resource Guide: It takes more than a law to protect a shark. This guide by country tells you
what the laws are, what the loopholes are, what you can do to as a visitor or resident of the country and places to
support shark ecotourism.


Mentorship Program: Working with undergraduate and graduate students to provide real world experience in shark
conservation including research, communication, and advocacy skills.
Monthly Chomp: A monthly newsletter that highlights current research and findings from shark scientists, marine
biologists, ocean advocates & photographers in an easily understandable way to enable the public to be informed, get
involved and take action.


FIN FREE: Helping to protect sharks with the legislation of shark fin bans around the world.
SHARK FREE: Creating awareness of the many products that contain shark parts such as cartilage and shark liver oil. Just
because you don’t eat shark fin soup, doesn’t mean you aren’t consuming shark.
POSITIVE MEDIA: Producing perspective altering posts & videos that inspire people to rethink their views on sharks and
the issues facing them.
SHARK DIVING: Getting people into the water with sharks – and helping them do it safely – making sharks more valuable
alive, and creating influential shark ambassadors.

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