We were so proud to see our latest addition to the fleet, Emperor Harmoni, take to the waters and greet her first guests last month.
However, this beautiful boat is not the only fantastic new addition to our team.
The launch of Harmoni meant we were also able to welcome her new cruise director, Silvia Perez, to the Emperor family.
We always say Emperor’s greatest strength is its people and Silvia, as you will find out, is a wonderfully enthusiastic and energetic person who is passionate about making every single guest’s time on board the best it can possibly be.
Here she introduces herself to you all and gives you her feelings and experiences from Harmoni’s maiden trip.
“My name is Silvia, a Spanish lady who was born in the Canary Islands. Since I was very little, I remember myself being in the water. My Dad taught me diving when I was seven years old. He, together with my brother, became my diving gurus.
“Being always very curious, I am an adventurer and love looking for challenges – challenges that keep me alive and awaken me. I believe we should never stop discovering and achieving lifetime memories because, for me, that’s the only thing we will bring with us the day we leave this world. I try to live following my intuition, by listening to my mind and thinking with my heart.
“I studied criminology and I really loved it. But, after realising I am a kind of adventurous soul, I went to work abroad in the diving industry in 2008 and since then my life has been as a kind of nomad. One day I will settle somewhere. I still don’t know where, but I know it will be by the sea.
“And now I am with Emperor, landing in Bali to start an amazing project.
“The first time I stepped on Emperor Harmoni, a feeling of joy invaded me. At that moment I knew I was in the right place, with the right company, to grow and evolve in my career. Ready to share my experience and keep learning, the adventure started.
“The crew embraced me and adopted me as part of the family in a second. They are the most amazing crew I have ever had, working as a team and taking care of each other. They are a family away from home.
“And, on September 23rd, Emperor Harmoni was hosting her first guests. We had 19 divers ready to have an unforgettable trip.
“I would love for you to have seen our guests’ faces when they came on board. Everyone was amazed with the spacious cabins, the comfy saloon and all the great facilities. This boat is an amazing place to be.
“I will never forget the moment when I heard the engines, what a feeling! We were leaving our mooring. We were sailing! Komodo Waters here we go.
“We were woken every morning by a stunning sunrise while Emperor Harmoni was peaceful and resting, surrounded by the different and unique islands.
“Along the trip we offered our guests the opportunity to get to know a bit of the Indonesian culture – above and below water. We built a lifetime of memories for everyone by visiting local villages and walking around to mix with the villagers. The happy children gave us endless smiles – priceless.
“We also enjoyed trekking in Komodo National Park – a World Heritage Site – to visit the famous Komodo Dragons in their habitat and we also walked along unique beaches like Pink Beach where the sand is pink and looks like it is from another planet. Our guests loved that experience.
“And what can I say about the diving? If you have already dived in this remarkable country you will know what I am talking about.
“Emperor Harmoni sails all around Indonesia because we love to explore – as you can imagine – and we keep moving to offer you the best of this country according to the season. This first trip took place in Komodo and, believe me, from the moment you put your face in the water you can’t stop smiling.
“Snorkelling with eight whalesharks during sunrise blew everyone’s mind. We had 90 minutes with them in the water while they were having breakfast.
“Sometimes the diving was hard – a bit like being underwater in a live volcano! – and we also had an experience of true manta madness, dancing with the queens of the oceans for two dives in a row in the famous Manta Alley dive site.
“All the dives are colourful thanks to the beautiful soft corals and the huge gorgonians. Every day was epic and the guests could not believe that every day it was getting better and better.
“We love what we do and we love even more to make your holidays a magical experience!”
If you would like to experience the incredible thrills Silvia describes – and benefit from the massive enthusiasm she brings to the role – have a look at our Emperor Harmoni page or speak to our helpful team on [email protected] to see how they can help.