Diver, Na'ama Bay

10 simple safety steps for starting to scuba

It might not sound like the most fun part but, when it comes to diving, we are very much about safety first.

Our guides will take you the best spots, show the best sights and make sure you have a whole lot of fun while doing it.

But, before you can do the exciting bit, it is essential to ensure everyone has got the basics sorted.

So, to help anyone just starting out on the wonderful world of scuba diving, here are 10 very simple tips to follow to ensure your dive is immense fun – and totally safe.


Do Your Training: It might sound obvious but it is fundamentally important that you complete a certified scuba course. Knowledge of techniques and safety procedures is crucial and we have got you covered for courses if you are yet to start. Find out more

Check Your Gear: Inspect all your equipment before each dive. Make sure your tank is full, your regulator is functioning, and all other gear is in good condition.

Dive with a Buddy: Always dive with a partner. This ensures help is nearby in case of an emergency. It’s essential for both safety and fun.

Plan The Dive and Dive The Plan: Listen to the guide’s dive briefing – and stick to it. This includes depth, time limits, and emergency procedures. Discuss the dive route, depth, and duration with your buddy. Stick to the plan and avoid unplanned deviations.


Monitor Your Air Supply: Keep a close eye on your air gauge to ensure you have enough air to complete the dive safely. Let the guide know your air when asked and always ascend with enough air left to handle any unexpected delays or challenges.

Equalise Often: To avoid ear injuries, equalise your ears frequently during your descent by pinching your nose and gently blowing or swallowing.

Ascend Slowly and Safely: Ascend at a controlled rate, typically not faster than 30 feet per minute, to avoid decompression sickness.

Stay Calm and Control Your Breathing: Keep calm during the dive and breathe slowly and deeply to conserve air and avoid panic.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your environment, including marine life, currents, and your position relative to your boat or shore. It’s not only good for your safety but will ensure you see all there is to see.

Maintain Proper Buoyancy: Practice buoyancy control to avoid accidental collisions with the seabed or coral reefs, protecting both the environment and yourself.

They are what they are – simple steps to safe scuba diving.

However, if everyone who is just starting out sticks to these main principles, you’re going to have a great – and safe – time underwater.

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