If you’re looking for a place that can offer an incredible diversity of diving then the Solomon Islands should be right at the top of your list.
From pelagics to critters, reefs to wrecks it has just about every kind of underwater experience you could ask for on a single trip.
And here are 10 of the best to look out for…
1 Saltwater Crocodiles
This, admittedly, might not appeal to everyone but the Solomon Islands provides the opportunity to encounter saltwater crocodiles in their natural mangrove habitat. These are formidable reptiles but it’s such a thrill to see apex predators up close.
2 Hammerhead Sharks
The chance to spot hammerhead sharks schooling at remote reefs, where strong currents draw nutrient-rich waters, is a ‘must-do’ experience. Their distinctive silhouettes are an iconic sight as they circle in synchronised patterns above you.
3 Devil Rays
Devil rays gliding through the open ocean in graceful sweeps as you dive alongside them is a beautiful sight to see. Their streamlined bodies cut effortlessly through the water as they feed on plankton with Marovo Lagoon a good spot to find them.

4 Anemonefish
You can be alongside anemonefish – and the kaleidoscope of colours they produce – when you dive in the Solomon Islands. Maravagi Bay is known for having a good variety of these attractive creatures as is the stunning Mirror Pond in the Russell Islands.
5 Ghost Pipefish
Camouflaged in the coral, merging with feather stars and crinoids, you will spot ghost pipefish – if you have a keen eye. These miniature masters of disguise are named for their slender, elongated bodies and measure only a few inches in length they are sort of after by underwater photographers due to their intricate beauty.
6 Manta Rays
Observing manta rays is a joy to behold. The majesty with which they move is awe-inspiring and getting up close to them is something every diver should have the chance to do. In the Solomons, Devil’s Highway in the Florida Islands is a prime spot to enjoy mantas. And if you can see them at a cleaning station – where smaller fish clean the manta eating the parasites from them – it is a moment to treasure.
7 Pristine Reefs
There are so many opportunities to dive around incredibly well-preserved reefs that are filled with hard and soft corals in the Solomon Islands. Indeed, last year the world’s largest coral was discovered in the country’s waters showing what a prime location it is for them to thrive. With so many to choose from it is hard to pick individual sites but, for the whole experience, Leru Cut really takes some beating.
8 Schools of Barracuda
Barracudas have a reputation for being bold and occasionally inquisitive around divers which can make for interesting underwater encounters. More dramatic is when they gather in schools and create a tornado formation – their silver bodies shimmering as they coordinate turns. The ‘tornado’ is such a thrilling sight to see and a spectacle you will marvel at.
9 Nudibranchs
Nudibranchs – tiny, vibrantly-coloured treasures hidden among corals and sponges. They need to be approached carefully to capture their intricate details, from flamboyant frills to bold stripes.
10 World War II wrecks
Hang you say, they are not nature’s work. Well, they are becoming that way. There are plenty of WWII wrecks to explore in the Solomons as the country played a key role in the conflict. And while the sites are chunks of metal, they are also now thriving with marine life that has reclaimed the relics. Corals relish the wrecks while schools of fish weave among the structures giving these historic symbols a burst of new life.
Emperor Bilikiki is ready to welcome you on board and guide you around the amazing Solomon Islands. Want to find out more? Speak to our team on info@emperordivers.com or via the webchat and they will be happy to answer all your questions.
Find out more about 10 of the wonderful underwater treats that await you in our other destinations – Indonesia, Maldives and Red Sea